Surge Magazine 6.0 est disponible en ligne ! Des centaines de pages et de photos, des interviews, des reportages, un vra mag de qualité en ligne avec énormément de riders peu médiatisés et cela fait plaisir à voir ! Made in Hawaii ! A ne pas rater ! Rendez-vous sur:

Le Tahitien David “The Killah” Tuarau en “Gainer Flip” sur la cover du mag, shooté par le photographe Australien Luke Shadbolt.


Version 6.0 features two main profiles from opposite sides of the Pacific. The first digs deep into the life of Santa Cruz hellman Sundaran “Shindo” Gillespie with none other than Darren Delmore behind the pen. The second is a split profile between Tahitian legends Nicolas “Niko” Richard and cover boy David “The Killah” Tuarau. Version 6.0 then introduces’s new Fitness and Training Correspondent, Mike Simone, and has readers sit with California legends Dan Taylor, Ron Ziebell, and Mike “Libo” Libudziewski as they share some deep history of bodyboarding and the serious consequences that come with it. Other notable content includes profiles with artist Chae, musical group Inna Vision, Anomaly Bodyboards, and the first ever and longest running online bodyboard shop known as Lastly, we look into the lens of the maker of Within—Eric Schnitzer. Expect that as well as all of our staple galleries: Style & Power, Empties, Life, and DK Life.